Sales Tracking Software - Keeps Track of Sales, Shops and Outlets Targeted and Not Targeted

  The Sales Tracker Application is a software to keep track of orders , total sales by value and products, and shops or outlets as well as routes targeted and not targeted (No Sales to the particular Location/Outlet).This application facilitates the tracking of your sales and provides you with several reports to help you in this task. Among the reports are sale of each product by Routes as well as Shops, and Routes as well as Shops not targeted for a particular product. It also gives the report of orders of a particular day or period. It can be fully customised to meet your specific requirements.
    The screenshot below is the report of Shops not targeted by value.

Shops Not Targeted

This software was developed in Access many years back and is no longer supported.

Features of the Customized Sales Tracking Software:

  • Keeps full record of Customers
  • Full record of categories, products as well as prices is maintained
  • Price List updatable as and when required
  • Entry of Orders(Sales) very simple – Just select product, enter quantity and select customer
  • Report of Shops Not Targeted By Value for a user defined period
  • Report of Shops Not Targeted By Product for a user defined period
  • Report of Daily Orders (Sales)
  • Report of Sales by Product by Numbers for a User defined period
  • Report of Sales by value for a User defined period
  • Report of Sales Summary (By Routes and Shops) for a User defined period
  • Can be fully customised depending on your requirements - The Screenshots are of an application developed for a food processing factory in Goa.

   The screenshot of a the data entry for the Orders (Sales) of the Sales Tracker is shown below

Data Entry for the Sales

  This application enables you to know which in which areas your products are getting sold (targeted) and in which areas there are no sales of your products(Not Targeted).You can also get a productwise analysis i.e. you can select a product and the "Shops Not Targeted (By Products)" report will give you the detailed report of the areas in which the particular product is not being sold. Below is the screenshot of the "Shops Not Targeted (By Products)" report.

Shops Not Targeted (By Products)


  The other reports are the total sales by value (Summary and Detail), and Product Sales By Numbers.There is also the report which gives details of the orders(Sales) for a particular day. The screenshot of the the "Product Sales By Numbers" for each product is shown below

Product Sales By Numbers