Preparation Of Courseware For Maritime Academies And Educational Institutions

   I take up the preparation of the courseware of educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities and academies.
  The entire Lesson Plans and Courseware for the various courses of a leading Maritime Academy based in Goa, India was prepared in HTML Format after converting into proper format and developing the content based on the material supplied by them in association with the concerned faculty. The job also involved scanning of the pictures, sketches etc. then digitally cleaning them and finally resizing them and converting to the required format. A PHP based search facility was also provided for easy access. The search facility enables all the computers on the local network to search the courseware.

Features of the Preparation of Courseware for a Maritime Academy:

  • The Material to be included in the courseware to be prepared was supplied in various forms – Word documents, printed, etc
  • The sketches, images pictures to be included were supplied in various digital formats as well as hand drawn or printed
  • The Scanned images were cleaned and resized. Later they were converted to a format suitable for the web
  • The images supplied in other digital formats were converted and resized to a suitable format
  • The index of the topics was prepared and the content was developed in association with the concerned faculty
  • The completed courseware was also installed on a web server (Apache) and a PHP based search facility was installed for easy access, so that all the computers on the local network could search the courseware easily.
  • I take up the preparation of the courseware within Goa, India as well as outside of Goa. (Via the Internet)

   The screenshot of the search results obtained by searching the courseware for the word "hull" using the search facility is shown below.Such a system can be configured so that all the computers on the local network have access to the courseware and/or any other material which you wish to provide on the local network.

Courseware Search Facility


  The screenshot for a sample page of the courseware prepared for a maritime academy is shown below.

Courseware Preparation

  More details of the preparation of Courseware are given here.